The root of the rot?

Oct 17, 2024By Pete North


Pete North - aka Northern Variant -@FUDdaily on twitter - produces a stream of really valuable insights into the political miasma of our times. 

Conservatives - Britain's traditional silent majority that used to just get on with the job of keeping society functioning - need to wake up and realise the fight they are in. You all need to get involved and slow down the train wreck of Starmer's government until it can be fully derailed and replaced with a functional model of sane government that works for ALL the people.

This is a war on liberalism. All of it. Society is screwed because "they" perverted the natural order of things. They undermined the family with welfare, easy divorce, gay marriage, anti-family tax policies, and (neo)liberal feminism. Well, kids, the family is the cornerstone of society, and when you destroy that basic architecture, replacing the family with individually tailored state welfarism, society collapses. They undermined the value and importance of experience in the drive to marginalize the value of older (and more naturally conservative) members of society. We are witnessing it in real time. This is why London is a bloodbath, this is why fertility is collapsing, and this is why nothing works. 

Though they say "diversity makes us stronger", it hasn't done that anywhere -  not in the community and not in the workplace. We have "diversified" all our key strategic interests so that even the power grid is run by token ethnic minorities and women, and now we can't even keep the lights on. (Creating an inclusive culture | National Grid Group )

If you don't have strong families, you don't have community, and you don't have a society to speak of, and if you don't have electricity you don't have an economy, you can't make anything, and you can't export anything. As a country we have gutted the core institutions necessary for a functioning society and economy. 

Consequently, we now have a country run by childless gay men, foreigners, and brain-dead liberal women to the extent we won't even take the basic steps to defend our own borders, and we allow ourselves to be colonised by low-IQ third worlders. 

The common theme here is that every policy measure since the 1980s has been designed to marginalise white men - the core of the "middle class", and turn mothers into obedient workers who spend more time commuting than with their own children. Liberalism has won while we have been lulled into a trance by the endless process of divide, distract and rule that Blair encouraged to infiltrate and take over the education system, government communications. So now the BBC, Channel Four and ITV (and all commercial broadcasting) are social engineering projects that project a carefully contrived and intentionally misleading image of UK demographics.

And now, kiddies, you have a morally, spiritually and intellectually depleted country, bankrupt politics, a stagnant economy, invading hordes taking over, a feminised bureaucratic military (on its last legs), and a national grid on the brink of collapse. 

This is liberal modernity. This is our fight. A fight in which we have no allies, and not even the Conservative party has our backs. Our institutions (all of them) have been turned against us. When you see the progress pride flag hanging outside town halls and hospitals they are telling you they have won (and they have). We are an occupied country - and it's time we realised that. We were conquered without a single shot being fired. aims to provide efficient and common sense government without the millstone of dogmatic politics