Paul Watson on gaslighting in Brum

WOTEUK William Poel
Aug 07, 2024By WOTEUK William Poel

August 7th 2023 20:40

Paul Joseph Watson - aka modernity  - has a rich seam of contradiction, nonsense and hypocrisy to explore and analyse just about any time he lifts the lids on MSM drains and peers inside. Top polemic and sarcasm as usual, but an essential counterpoint to the really worrying gaslighting from the captured mainstream media.

But who believes anything the "Mainstream Media" says now without verifying? The twitter audience is especially cynical, with traditional news media struggling to reach 20% credibility in recent polls. Now recall Mark Twain's observation that it is easy to fool someone, but much harder to convince them they have been fooled - which is vital for the enduring success of advertising, religious and political propaganda.

The effort to try and protect what little credibility the MSM retains is becoming increasingly desperate to draw attention away from the simple fact that little or nothing is being done (beyond denial) to address the criticism of two tier policing that has been apparent since the Hamas kidnap and murder action in Israel on October 7th 2023, led to mass demonstrations under Palestinian flags of solidarity in the UK.

What is going on? The "far right" rioting in the UK this week seemed to have been a randomly organised puppet show, performed by some woefully untalented wannabe terrorists, which seems much like the amateurish Jan 6th Washington pantomime insurrection. What is going on? 

Behind all this, the traditional media simply cannot compete with Twitter's reach and immediacy, and is eager to try and bring Twitter down by any means - before their entire business models are cannibalised as all eyeballs steadily drift away to more engaging content. 

Elon Musk’s X has accused a group of major advertisers of antitrust violations in a new lawsuit claiming the group conspired to “boycott” advertising on the platform.

The lawsuit claims an influential ad industry group organized “to collectively withhold billions of dollars in advertising from Twitter” because the group was concerned that the platform had deviated from brand safety standards after Musk’s acquisition in late 2022.

The group is the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, also known as GARM, a voluntary ad-industry initiative (boycott) run by the World Federation of Advertisers that aims to help brands avoid having their advertisements appear alongside illegal or harmful content.

This style of politically motivated cancellation grew from the activism of 1970s animal rights movements, which moved on from physical intimidation and sabotage to guerilla online activism. 

The news media industry has become a propaganda battleground that is fighting for eyeballs to sell to advertisers at any cost; including objectivity and truth. Which has led to the creation of fact checking and verification services. The traditional news media has been complaining to politicians for a long time that they are in a fight to the death with Musk's Twitter and other services like Rumble that do not easily defer to political coercion.  Security services and politicians are struggling to know where to pitch the location of their demands to censor the industry on the scale of "essential national security interests" to "nice to have" expedient restraint to avoiding embarrassing politicians, and keep those guilty of poor judgement, safe from the consequences of their action. 

No surprisingly, traditional media is happy to help "prosecutors" scare content creators and publishers with the prospect of a knock on the door at 3am, from the thought police.

We'd be a lot more comfortable about this state of affairs if the government passing out the diktats had been demonstrably democratically elected - without having gamed a flawed system -with MPs that have "achieved" in the real world beyond the incestuous world of Westminster politics, and are continuously accountable to electors.

We - the 80% silenced majority - are really uneasy that this absolutely fundamental oversight and revision of freedom has been rushed through by a novice administration with the support of just 20% of the electorate. aims to provide efficient and common sense government without the millstone of dogmatic politics