Minding how we go...


Jul 14, 2024By PN & WP

Pete is testing a law and order policy strategy for his manifesto project. It is mostly a simple if long overdue infusion of common sense - and the extraction of dumb dogma...

"... I'm first looking to firm up Policing & Crime policy for a new manifesto. I have a reasonably good understanding of the problems (call me out if I missed anything), but solutions may prove to be difficult, costly and contentious. I'm offering up this preamble. Feel free to shoot me down. I will not be offended if you tell me it's crap. It's all part of the process.....

Policing in the UK is broken. Through amalgamations, streamlining and politicisation, the force is no longer fit for purpose.

Police officers are too thinly stretched, having to perform as detective, peacekeeper, social worker, paramedic, and taxi driver. The force suffers from a retention and recruitment crisis, deteriorating conditions and poor pay. Meanwhile, too many forces suffer from political activism at the command level, resulting in “woke” policing, and rainbow nail polish on expenses.

Over the last twenty years, local police stations and detention facilities have been closed which has further eroded genuine community policing, where dedicated officers no longer meaningfully patrol a regular beat. It must also be noted that we have and disturbing number of low intelligence police officers, some with poor language and literacy skills. Police are also overworked with paperwork and administration.

Maybe a job for an AI RoboPlod? Although the legal profession will probably object as it will sense that legal aid and other sinecures will be eroded in due course.

A recent trend in policing is the prioritisation of public order at all costs, even to the extent of appeasing the mob. The police are quick to act against everyday British people, but will kneel for Black Lives Matter and stand idle as pro-Palestine protesters chant genocidal slogans. There is a growing perception of two-tier policing, which is not just a perception. The police will be instructed to intervene. Self-appointed protest conspiracies  such as Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion will be met with extreme prejudice.

We take the view police authorities are now too big and must be broken up. We will restore real community policing by rebuilding local police stations and detention facilities. We will ensure police work a regular beat, and that they drilled in the value of community connections.

As regards the London Met, we will dismantle it and establish four separate commands answerable directly to the boroughs. Mayoral oversight has proven divisive and useless. 

We will then establish a London wide armed force, similar to the French Gendarmerie which will perform armed response duties, counter-terror operations and riot control. This force will be directly answerable to the Prime Minister.

As regards “woke” policing, Chief Constables will be appointed by a policing committee in a two stage process, according to strict criteria. The committee will be composed of members of the public and selection proceedings will be streamed online with open comments.

Police officers will submit to a bi-annual fitness test which they must pass. Officers incapable of passing a robust literacy and language skills test will be dismissed. Police officers and police vehicles will display no political symbols or badges, including rainbow flags (with the exception of poppies).

Headcount and salaries will improve, but senior pay will be capped, except for high achievers, which will be decided on an individual basis by the local authorities they report to. Police and Crime Commissioners are useless. They will be scrapped in favour of community review boards comprised of magistrates and members of the public on a jury service basis.

In order to make cities liveable spaces, police will be instructed to tackle vagrancy and will work closely with the border force to remove illegal immigrants. The first order of business will be to build three new super-prisons. The priority will be placed on public safety and punishment. Zero tolerance for violent crime will mean zero tolerance.

The Party supports police officers having powers to stop and search all suspects if they have reasonable grounds to think they are carrying drugs, a weapon, stolen property, items used in connection with theft or to use to commit criminal damage.

The Party will reverse the decision taken in 2013 by David Cameron’s Coalition Government which introduced direct entry to the senior ranks of policing, thus ending 180 years of tradition, which holds that all recruits to the police start their careers as constables. 

The Party will review and audit the actions and policies of all chief constables and issue new requirements, reflected in this manifesto, that must be adhered to.....

This is just a preamble, and I'm sure I've left some important things out. Feel free to add your views. 




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