Is this how to position an immigration policy?
28DEC24 V0.5
Ronald Reagan was a pretty good president who was a big fan of legal immigration which he explained well in this last speech as president when he expressed sentiments and compelling ideas that somehow have been forgotten in the entitlement madness. A key point for 2024 is that Reagan was talking about opportunity and self advancement, entitlement; any cash advances should be treated as loans and repaid during and after a period of probation.
One fear is that since they come armed with expectations of a land of milk and honey - if they are not molly-coddled from the off, they will help themselves from defenceless retailers.
Despite demands for a total ban, there will always have to be a policy on lawful migration, so we must engineer an immigration policy fit for purpose, and keep out all that cannot prove they can contribute directly to the UK - preferably also with sponsors and a probationary period? But this can only make sense if it starts once all illegal migration has been ceased - and all those who have arrived illegally have been processed and returned - as necessary. And all British citizens who have paid into the welfare state over their working lives and are being denied pensions and welfare are being taken care of.