If we could turn back time...

WOTEUK William Poel
Jul 29, 2024By WOTEUK William Poel

The effort to analyse what has gone wrong with the UK is in high gear as we wonder how a government with the direct support of just one in five of the electorate, is sneaking us back the 70s with nationalisation, the politics of envy and a Joe Stalin tribute act whose father was a toolmaker - whilst claiming to have won a landslide mandate. 3O% of the votes translate to 60% of commons seats, so why is no one raising hell? Is there a cunning plan being hatched to dump this "illegitimocracy" when the time is right? Let them get carried away with hubris whilst the silenced majority gets its act together..?

Sadly, the Opposition is presently shambolic. Sunak doesn't need the money, and how it shows! He's mainly concerned with looking like a good loser who is helpfully handing over without being awkward or getting in the way. How much money does his family software business earn from the UK government?)

Maybe current events will force the issue and overtake Starmer's novice government - the Stockport murders could force the issue and see protests on the streets. 

From the New Conservatives  

Taking Back Control
Politics / By Kim Rye

I have been spending a lot of time in reflection recently. The outcome of the general election on 4th July filled me with an abject longing for the 20th century values we left behind. On the stroke of midnight 31st of December 1999, it seemed common sense, fortitude, bulldog spirit and pride in our culture died. The past had manners, dignity and respect. It had character, it had fun. It had beauty, wit, kindness and authenticity. It was optimistic, inventive, brave, courageous and forward-looking. People were grateful for what they had, even if it wasn’t a lot.

All I feel now is fear for the future. Post-war Britain had its ups and downs, but there was a sense of optimism and anticipation. The 21st century is self-obsessed, selfish, depressing and worst of all consumed by ghastly “woke”.

Everything now revolves around taking offence and victimhood, creating fear of saying or even thinking the wrong thing. There’s climate fearmongering, critical race theory, ludicrous and fabricated gender and identity politics, false narratives and blame culture, particularly “white privilege”, self-blame and introspection. All are products of the over-fertile imaginations of catastrophists, drama queens and, frankly, the lunatic fringe.

The fun has been sucked out of life. Comedy for example, has been replaced by banal, depressing “Reality TV”. Whose reality? Modern TV programming promotes unrealistic aspirations, body dysmorphia and “mental health” fixation. There’s none of the fun of send-up comedy, gritty soaps and light-hearted drama that we knew and loved in previous decades.

The mid to late 20th century had its problems, but it was authentic and aspirational and it had great music. If you’re over 25, name one great band of 2024?

Twenty twenty-four is mired in doom and gloom; the country is in a dreadful state. Hostile cultures that want to take up residence here, but hate us and our way of life, are busy creating fear and oppression. The ‘politics of the subcontinent’, as Nigel Farage recently put it are being played out on the streets of Britain. For example, the disputes raging in Bangladesh are now being fought over in East London. They had nothing to do with this country; we cannot be the world’s policeman.

Britain 2024 is now a miserable, supine backwater, comprised of individuals who take the knee and betray everything our noble forefathers fought for in two world wars. While our own belief systems are trashed, we allow ourselves to be subjugated by those who not only hate us, but devalue, erase and rewrite our history.

The future looks grim. Give it 20 years and we will all be under the control of evil cults and false religions. Surely it hasn’t escaped your notice that it’s already happening? It began in 2020, with the biggest error of judgement ever: the response to Covid-19 and the reaction of the world government. The madness then escalated with the events surrounding the death of George Floyd.

Next came the industrial scale self-loathing and apologism, as politicians and celebrities demanded we house the entirety of the Third World – those whose lives and livelihoods had reportedly been wrecked by the “evil West”. It is no small irony that the queue to enter such evil countries continues to grow, while the taxpayer bankrolls illegal migrants in four-star hotels and turns a blind eye to ex-servicemen sleeping in shop doorways.

Meanwhile, genuine migrants who came to live alongside us with good intent, decent people of the Windrush for example, are also affected by these events. They are part of our culture. They came here and made Britain their home too. Look around this country now. “Demi paradise” it is not. The land of Shakespeare is now the land of obscure slang, bad manners and crudeness.

So what do we do about it? Well, to start with, what we don’t do is spend pointless hours on social media engaging in digital civil war. We get out there and join with other like-minded individuals to change the system from within. Whatever your “conservative values” are, regardless of which political party you support, you need to nail your colours to the mast.

People talk of revolution, but surely it would be preferable to fight the system from within rather than without? We need to put ourselves up as candidates in every by-election, local council election and general election we can. Why is it that people suppose there is a factory somewhere that manufactures politicians, ready-to-go robots, pre-programmed – although I grant you, that is how it looks!

The truth is that whoever we are, the system in which we operate is managed by politicians. If we don’t like how they are running things, we need to change it ourselves. Masses of us up and down the country need to get active within our communities and start campaigning. You might ask, do I practice what I preach? Absolutely. I am already a local town councillor, and am putting myself up for next year’s county elections for Reform UK, having assisted their local campaign during the election period, helping their PPC for this area.

The more of us true conservatives are on the inside, the more inspiration we can give to others and ensure that, come the next general election, we are able to field a huge crop of conservatives, be they Conservative or Reform UK candidates. I truly believe this will make an enormous difference, and if we make a big difference locally, perhaps we can convince the electorate to turn out to vote.

The turnout at this year’s general election was only 52 percent. This is not good enough. Something similar happened in London in May. The mayoral election that granted Sadiq Khan a third term, saw almost 60 percent of Londoners fail to show up.

However, there is hope. The Reform UK movement now stands at a record 70,000 members, including a significant number of young people. I am hopeful this will inspire the Conservative Party to re-acquaint themselves with their true conservative values. I am not suggesting a merger, but imagine the next Parliament with a massive collaboration of centre-right individuals. Even if Labour manage to get re-elected, imagine the opposition!

As Winston Churchill famously said, “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile hoping it will eat him last.” We certainly have enough appeasers ready and willing to drag us back to the 7th Century, courtesy of our import of Islam. It is a united front of true conservatives that now needs to stand up and take back control; starting right here, right now.

Kim Rye is a former Fleet Street copytaker.
She is a sub-editor on 007 Magazine & Archiv

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