coming home
Pete North ( has been on a well documented journey in search of his political home... and has arrived...
Part of the reason I joined the @Homeland_Party is because politics needs a "nasty party". Somebody needs to say the things that can't be said. Everyone else will be measured in their rhetoric, but the time for speaking euphemistically is over.
The results are in. Diversity does not make us stronger. There is no "melting pot", and multiculturalism is an abject failure. Foreigners are not coming to these lands to become part of the whole and they do not share our values. They are here to exploit Britain.
Just this evening, Lee Anderson of Reform tweeted "Over the last 6 years only 500,000 out of net non-EU migration of 3,100,000 came from main work applicants (16%) Rest are dependants, students, family, asylum & humanitarian".
We are entitled to find this appalling. We are entitled to object. But Anderson is just another whinger. He can say these things on licence, but Reform's policy is whatever Farage says it is, and he's ruled out mass deportations. Reform talks about deporting illegal immigrants but that does not speak to the millions who've come here as colonisers who, sooner or later, make us a minority in our own country.
We need a party that will explicitly say that these people, whether they're here legally or not, are not welcome. They are not needed they are not wanted, and they must be deported. Britain is no a flop house for the third world. It is our homeland.
As much as anything, Britain cannot sustain a perpetual influx of welfare dependents. It will collapse our social solidarity systems. It has already destroyed housing. Those most in need are now in competition with foreigners with no blood connection to this country. If it's racist to put British people first, I'm entirely comfortable with such labels.
As far as I'm concerned, if you're running scared of being called racist by people who consciously ignore the consequences of mass immigration, you're complicit, and you're accountable. The rapes, the machete gangs, the murders... it's as much on you as it is our political class. This "open borders experiment", as the prime minister puts it, thrives on our silence.
When it comes down to it, immigration policy necessarily has to be racist. I don't need any lectures from progressives. I'm perfectly well aware that not all foreigners are rapists. I'm well aware that not all Pakistani men are predators. But public policy isn't made on an individual basis. Policy is made on aggregates and averages.
The bottom line is that a first world, high trust, liberal society cannot survive if the people are replaced with third world people with backward superstitions and primitive social attitudes.
I've long said that xenophobia is instinct plus experience. Nobody wants to be xenophobic but when you live at the sharp end of multiculturalism, it becomes a survival instinct.
Our cities particularly are no longer safe for women. The rise in homophobic incidents and the surge of immigration is hardly coincidental. All the values progressives pretend to care about are threatened by mass immigration. Foreigners don't just step off the plane and become British liberals. They bring their tribal baggage and third world ideas and conflicts with them.
If then I have to join the "nasty party" and say things which are objectively racist, I will. The problem for lefties is that much of the "racism" on this platform happens to be more or less accurate. There's a reason the Home Office is concealing data regarding ethnicity and crime.
We're already seeing our cities devolve into violent slums where the police can't keep order if they assert their authority. There's a reason the police are hesitant to charge the thugs who attack a female police office in Manchester Airport. They're afraid of a Muslim backlash.
We don't have to tolerate this. We don't have to tolerate the violence. We don't have to tolerate the sectarianism. We don't have to tolerate the welfare larceny. We don't have to tolerate becoming a third world country. We are within our rights to reassert Britain as our homeland and remove those who should not be here. We do not owe a living to anyone who rocks up with their hand out. We are entitled to exclude foreigners from our National Health Service. We are entitled to reserve homes for British people. We are entitled to a homeland in which we are free to live by our values. So go ahead, call me whatever names you want. It's better than being snivelling coward.
Debate on X with @FUDdaily...