ballots not bricks

WOTEUK William Poel
Aug 06, 2024By WOTEUK William Poel

Ballots not bricks?

revised 06aug24 14:02 

Elon Musk's intervention - to ask awkward questions to support the case for balance and freedom of expression (the antithesis of two-tier policing) - has flushed out some Far Left "hate not hope"  agitators who wanted to be seen grandstanding and criticizing Elon for daring to ask inconvenient questions on 2-tier policing. Keir and his acolytes are annoyed that they cannot reach through the screen and snatch his keyboard -  and throw it away, in the way that Met Police chief Mark Rowley recently did with a Sky News reporter's microphone.

Not surprising if Rowley is stressed having to smile for the cameras when retired police officers are asking about the alleged "standing army" of 6000 riot police:

".... About this Elite Band of Brothers, this team of highly trained Public Order Officers.... No-one has heard of them. Where have they been training? Where do they come from?
You haven't got them. It is BS. You will corral a few cops and draft them in. All cops are trained in Public Order. So this "Elite" bit frightens no-one. We have seen them cowering whilst furniture is thrown at them. 
The only "Elite" bit about them is their qualifications. They now have degrees. Years ago, they would have been ex- military police, marines, soldiers, air force police, shore-patrol sailors....
Not any more. We have qualified ballet dancers, grief counsellors, diversity officers, HR specialists and accountants.
Pick a fight with someone who can fight. Today the police must be nice to everyone, even in a riot. So good luck. I realise you are probably a very nice chap yourself; but you are not dealing with nice chaps.
And it is too late now ....... The truth is that the Public has the Police the politicians want, not the Police the Public wants. Get it.....?

We are still in the grip of divide and dissipate. How about we all just focus the energy and appetite for revolution on the embarrassing illegitimacy Keir's 20% Tyranny government and the fantasy mandate from just 20% of the electorate? We must clamour for an electoral platform that will prevent this outrage to democracy from happening again and also provide the politically homeless and disenfranchised with evidence that they are being heard, and politicians are properly accountable....

The riots using the murder of three children as the excuse to lob bricks at police has played straight into the arms of Sir Keir Stalin, who was positively bristling with pride when he recalled that in 2011 as Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, he invented a legal production line for seeing that demonstrators could be swept into jail without their feet touching the ground. And now we are told he is thinking of rewarding informers... bring on the Stasi. Social credits if you hand your neighbour in? 

There is a petition going around asking for the removal of Keir Starmer as Prime Minister, already some 70,000 signatures; although it's not going to happen ...  but it is a more constructive way to let off steam than lobbing a brick.

So we should focus all our energies on the process of lawfully removing this bogus government as rapidly as possible. And replace with a properly democratically elected government of proven achievers. Which is of course the WOTE way.

There is even a handy piece of moral high ground we can stand on whilst doing this, where we can look down on Starmer's one-sided condemnation of the far-right thugs, and point out there has been far-left chicanery that has gamed the flawed electoral process by sleight of voting, that needs addressing.

The idea that just 20% of the electorate is responsible for putting Labour in power is unsustainable in the event of a challenge to his legitimacy and claim to have a mandate based on a landslide win.

So we, the disenfranchised and abused electorate need to pause and work out what to do next.

Who is offering a credible alternative to Labour's far-left political thuggery - that can accommodate a wide enough range of political realities that amount to the sort of "preconfigured and prestressed coalition" that the Conservative party successfully managed to provide until recently, with its traditional "broad church" for the liberal conservative outlook that has represented the so-called silent majority of Britain for the last 50 years or more..?

Parties that are narrowly focused by ideology, religion or ethnicity are not able to provide long term solutions to a heterogeneous society trying to cope with the evolving realities of the 21st century.

Dissenters must leverage our politicians' fear of fairer and more accountable election formats that provide representation for those who have been ignored for years. Ballots not bricks is the answer for those who have been misled by politicians who have failed to control the mass immigration that has fundamentally changed communities and our way of life without ever asking the permission of the electorate.

We would obviously say that the ideas on this website are the basis of moving forward by respecting the will of the electorate.  All of it, and more often than once every five years.

We would also suggest that any politician that rejects the idea of fair elections that enable the electorate to hold their MPs to account on a daily basis, is an extreme left-wing fascist.

Sir Keir Starmer & Co can stop this unrest right now - accept you won a majority by gaming a seriously dysfunctional system that has been getting increasingly embarrassing and difficult to excuse since the Brexit Referendum - which was won with a simple majority of the votes cast. Rather different to a fantasy mandate based on 20% of the electorate or 35% of votes cast. 

It was not ideal that the entire electorate was not involved - and absolutely not the result expected by the "Elites", but the closest thing to genuine democracy seen in Europe for a long time. So Keir, put your hands up and admit there is a huge democratic deficit to address, and work to create a better system that can motivate and engage the entire electorate... and not simply take the mick... 

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