A dish best served cold...
Here comes Donny... (& Elon)

Blog "A dish best served cold..." updated 22JAN25 V04.2
We warned you elsewhere that we were going to experiment with AI through the creation and development of this site since it will be a big part of the future of government information services, whether we/you like it or not. And trust WOTE.uk to be on the pulse with both Starmer and Trump now announcing their big AI investments.
Sadly the UK looks like it's been totally upstaged and should now be asking nicely if it can please have a role in the US plan for world domination. But I'm not sure the tireless efforts of our politicians and MSM to belittle the Trump administration will get it heard. We may end up with an opportunity to develop a Welsh Language front end - because no one else is going to be bothered to bid. Yet more humiliation for the Starmer regime as the economic disaster piles on, and all our best people will prepare to flee the country.
Anyway, onwards ...it was a struggle to get the instruction for the illustration spot on, and grok did its best...
"an image of Donald Trump bursting through a door with an axe in the manner of Jack Nicholson's character in The Shining movie"
And this was probably the best Nicholson/Trump hybrid ... but that's enough time for now in this rabbit hole.
Moving on...

So... here is a fascinating AI debate inspired by this post - it is a magnificently opinionated session that managed to opine for 54 minutes. First a "with subtitles" video edition ... we will revisit the AI in a week or two, and see how the Trump effect is influencing the AI interpretation. Let's see how the goalposts are moved as news unfurls and is digested in social media once "Trumpinator Resurrection" is properly under way...
This Version distilled 15January 20
And now a "no caption" video edit - where captions were later added as an srt text list uploaded to Youtube....
This is an appropriate moment to ponder the significance of the numbers involved in Starmer's "sleight of mathematics" Illegitimate July 4th election. Starmer will have to consider if all 50m British electors should be made to suffer for the folly of the 9.7m that actually voted for him, and that he provocatively describes as a "landslide" victory.
Moreover, one that has delivered a "mandate for change" - and the means to deny and barge past the awkward culpability for the years of child abuse in Labour constituencies, and cynically avoid the consequences. Even if the UK media was overlooking this hideous mess after years of collusion with the liberal globalist agenda, but Elon Musk was outraged and responded. He called Keith "complicit in the rape of Britain" and accused the safeguarding minister of being a "rape genocide apologist" after the Government decided against a Whitehall-led inquiry into child sexual abuse in Oldham.
UK officials are monitoring social media posts by Elon Musk and others as a possible security risk. The monitoring is being carried out by a team in the Home Office's Homeland Security group, which is responsible for reducing national security risks and, according to a government website, "focuses on the highest harm risks to the homeland". Well why is looking beyond 10 Downing Street in that case?
London's Metropolitan Police chief warned that officials will not only be cracking down on British citizens for commentary on the riots in the U.K., but on American citizens as well.
"We will throw the full force of the law at people. And whether you’re in this country committing crimes on the streets or committing crimes from further afield online, we will come after you," Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Mark Rowley told Sky News.
In a 2015 interview with Owen Jones, Jess Phillips famously stated, "The day that you are hurting us more than helping us, I won’t knife you in the back, I’ll knife you in the front!" This was in the context of her opposition to Corbyn's leadership, emphasizing her direct approach to criticism. Phillips's approach to political discourse, is described as often direct and confrontational; but does it work both ways?
Fellow extreme left-wing harridan Jo Brand has form. During the June 2019 episode of BBC Radio 4's "Heresy," comedian Jo Brand made a joke about throwing battery acid at politicians, referencing recent incidents where milkshakes were thrown at them.
Then just as everyone started to back down and cool off -the US election interference row exploded And the Labour Party's activist hit squad has been utterly banged to rights.
This issue is a perfect example of the "Us and Them polarisation" of opinion, when the predominantly liberal mainstream media makes any number of allowances for members of their own tribe, whilst - remaining implacably hostile and to all those outside the Fort Woke stockade, who might have triggered an indignant response that attracts a swarm of "liberal" antibodies.
Whatever else he may be, Musk is a family man with a reported 10 kids, and has zero tolerance for kids being abused, especially as victims of the woke mind virus.
David Lammy described Trump as a "racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser" in 2017; and "deluded, dishonest, xenophobic, narcissistic" in 2019. It seems fair to observe that Labour politicians have not endeared the UK to the incoming US administration.
And maybe Sadiq Kahn has guaranteed a special treat for his beloved Londonistan after his playful use of the blimp during Donald's state visit...

So if Starmer wants to avoid inflicting a catastrophic punishment beating on Britain and the British people for his and his dimwit colleagues' intemperate remarks and appalling judgment, he will have to resign.
Then whatever residual authority remains will appoint a cross-party commission (with representation based on the actual numbers of votes attained during the last election - not the fantasy seat count - to design an electoral system fit for purpose and that will re-connect the population with democracy and that voting can make a difference - and encourage quality independently-minded candidates to step forward, and engage
Concern for the imaginary "value" of first past the post (fptp) is irrelevant now both Labour and Conservatives have fatally disgraced themselves and insulted the electorate - and must accept change is inevitable and entirely of their own making.
The idea that fptp delivers strong government has been shown to be fatally flawed when that strong government is a neo-Marxist fascist dictatorship, led by an implacable sociopathic ideologue with a collection of unqualified and inexperienced ministers, laden with old school labour tribal prejudice.
So it's time to reset the process. The ideas outlined at wote.uk can form a starting point for a government of transparent and responsible competence based on common sense, not ideology.
Now the Musk/Trump liberation proposition can make a simple and perfectly justifiable demand:
Keir Starmer to confess that many calculated, wilfully defamatory insults have been made by disrespectful Labour politicians about Donald Trump since 2016; and now also Elon Musk and X? These insults amount to more than an "error of judgement".
Sadiq Khan's childish blimp has ensured he and London will not be forgotten. Starmer and his government will be required to resign forthwith. There are few Labour MPs that are not caught up in the belief that insulting Trump is free from consequence or retribution.
No current Labour politicians can be trusted to act honourably, and should be disqualified from standing for election again and forfeit all severance and pension entitlements.
Then we can start over with fresh elections under new rules that mean the winning party cannot contrive a result again where 30% of the votes control 60% of the house or Commons.
There are many aspects of nuance to apply to this process to take proper advantage of this unique opportunity to finesse a secure and fair electoral system that can rehouse the politically homeless, and remain fit for purpose in the 21st century. And try to regain the trust of the electorate that voting can make a difference.... albeit the vote that made the difference in this case was taken in the US last November.
Now let's have a proper democratic election of our own, please ...
It is well worth the effort, and it will spare the UK from the torment of a further four years of socialist failure and dystopia, and re-establish a base on which to rebuild the special relationship of all English-speaking nations built on English common law, in a dangerous and hostile world.

Let's hope the Mayor was welcoming the arrival... zoom in...